Friday, July 9, 2010


Posted by Nor Diniy Izzaty at 7:50 AM
Nahh 2k bestari, tringat last year, when I've a crush with f3 students, awhh comelll :)
Emp, but not now, Im really hurts this year, T_T
We dpt gerai num 1, woah not so luck! Paling hujung, sobsob, tapi xpe, cos our gerai yg paling best and cute! Hee cos we ada MINI BIKE! Yeay search google yeh if na tau apa bnda tu, haha :D
So, jumaat tu suma stay rumah pika, till 7pm, then g skola! hias2 kedai, then ujan plak, aiyooo kena balek la, angin kuat gilaa! 8.30 smpai rumah, then don't know what to do, penat and mengantok then tido! ;D
Wake up at 12am, grrr, makan, then sambong buat decoration for our gerai, hah last2 me tak sleep till pagi, wee best jugk kadang2 stay up malam ni, hahah :)

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