Friday, July 23, 2010


Posted by Nor Diniy Izzaty at 4:17 AM

If you apply to at least 20 of these, then you’re absolutely my type of guy.

  1. Guys who spell words in complete spelling. (I hate shortcuts. Geddit?)
  2. Guys who smell good. (Obviously, you know why this is a part of my check-list.)
  3. Guys with brains. Most especially in Math. (“Smart is the new sexy” :> According to my unbiological brother, Jaymes Shrimski. Oh, and Math. Cause I suck at it.)
  4. Guys who I can talk to with just about anything and will listen to my stories whether they’re really girly or corny or boring or non-sense. Whatever. (It kinda pisses us girls if you know we’re really serious about what we’re talking about and you just sit there pretending to listen, tapping your shoes on the ground, fixing your hair, with your head in the clouds. No joke.)
  5. Guys who love me for who I am. (If you love me JUST BECAUSE I’m this.. Or that.. Go find someone else.)
  6. Guys who call me beautiful, instead of hot. (THIS. I know I’m not pretty, and I also know that I’m not hot. But then, I somehow get these “compliments” too. Beautiful is more lady-like and natural, and it focuses more on the inside soul. While hot sounds like you’re just looking at our physical area. It’s more of an insult, maybe. Well, for me. I don’t know with other girls out there.)
  7. Guys who remember every single detail of information. Most likely, the basic ones, like my birthdate, even if I only mentioned it to you once. And the non-basic ones. Like, my favorite ice-cream flavor or whatsoever. (It’s just sweet. Period.)
  8. Guys who know my limits. (At least you know why I don’t want to do THAT.)
  9. Guys who don’t push me to do what he wants me to do, but instead, respects the choice that I make. (I’m me. You can’t just tell me what I have to do. My business, my choice.)
  10. Guys with bright, pretty eyes. (Every girl likes that, just so you know.)
  11. Guys who love their moms. (Um, I don’t know. But oh well.)
  12. Guys who are patient. (It’s not the right time yet, okay?)
  13. Guys who can bake. (It’s cute. And I love baking too, so that makes it better XD)
  14. Guys who I can go shopping with. (It’s rare, if a guy goes frikkin shopping with a girl. And, it’s really adorable, I tell you.)
  15. Guys with nice hair. (Nothing beats this. NOTHING. Got a perfect coiffure? I love you.)
  16. Guys who I can take silly and goofy shots with. (I’m not vain. But just join in the picture. I’d appreciate it. So much.)
  17. Guys who have a good sense of humor. (Giving girls a good laugh is always a definite win.)
  18. Guys who are clean and tidy. (It shows who you really are.. inside.)
  19. Guys who’d watch chick flicks with me. (Admit it. You also get butterflies in your stomach during Blair Waldrof and Chuck Bass’s sweet momentooos.)
  20. Guys who don’t lie. (Honesty is the best policy. Teehee.)
  21. Guys that’ll send me Good Morning and Good Night messages. (Knowing that we just came across your mind, it’s perfect.)
  22. Guys who like cartoons. (I like Spongebob and Phineas and Ferb. Come watch with me? :D)
  23. Guys who play soccer. (Gosh, definitely♥)
  24. Guys who’d go out with me every dismissal. (Cause when you’re there, It makes me forget about the test that I failed in Math and Science.)
  25. Guys who’d keep me away from harm. (My hero? :x)

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