Sunday, August 1, 2010

He knew it

Posted by Nor Diniy Izzaty at 1:39 PM
Hah dia dah tau, I kuar ngan laki sana sini, hmph. I tatau sapa yg buat mulut kt u, but, trust me, I became like this bcos of you, bfore this I dgn u jea. But when u left me all alone, I rasa mcm nak seek of revenge la, then I start layan budk2 ur school suma, lepak mcd ngan diaorang. hesh suma tu sbb you :( I nak u realized I cant live without you, and if I can live without you pn, I dont want too. I nak u ja, I xmau laki laen, Haaaa I tau Im taking advantage kt diaorang, I made them fall for me and playing their hearts, tp I xleh nak buat apa2. Im still stuck on you. Im sorry :(

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